One of the best ways to keep your chimney healthy is to have periodic inspections. In fact, the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) suggests getting annual chimney inspections for the most efficient and safest chimneys. This is because inspections help you determine if there are any issues in your chimney. Did you know that there are three levels of chimney inspections? At Hales Chimney & Fireplace Solutions, we perform all three levels and we would like to tell you about each of them.
Level 1
A level 1 chimney inspection is the most basic and common chimney inspection. This is the type of inspection we perform if there have been no major changes with the chimney. During a level 1 inspection, a chimney technician will check the structural integrity of your chimney. We inspect all accessible parts. We also look inside your chimney for blockages and creosote buildup. Finally, the technician conduct an overview of your fireplace, chimney, and its components to ensure we did not miss anything.
Level 2
A level 2 chimney inspection is needed when there has been a major change to your chimney system. These changes may include a fuel system change out, tuckpointing, relining, brick replacement, or any other big changes. You also need a level 2 inspection if there has been a transfer in home ownership. So it is important to ask your realtor if the house need a level 2 chimney inspection before purchasing it.
If there has been major damage to your home because of an earthquake, fire, or sinking foundation, you chimney then needs a level 2 inspection. This inspection is similar to a Level 1 inspection. In addition, we also perform a video scan too. During a video scan, a chimney technician will use a video scanner and inspect the inside of your chimney. Video scanning is an important tool for determining if damage such as cracking or crumbling masonry or liner are present because of the major damages or changes.
Level 3
Level 3 inspections are performed if there is a suspected hazard in your chimney system. We inspect all the areas that are checked in level 1 and level 2 inspections. We also use demolition tools to inspect areas that are usually hard to view, to get to the root of the problems.
The most important thing is to remember that only a CSIA certified chimney technician should perform chimney inspections. If there has been a major changes or damages to your chimney system, or you haven’t had an inspection in a while, call Hales Chimney & Fireplace Solutions today at 972-562-6851 or schedule an appointment online today!